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An attractive foreigner from God knows where, who has taken part in more than one hundred sex films with animals, in this case she is fucking two furry dogs. Brunette Michelle went to the back yard of the capital's dacha, where not a single person would notice her. With her for company was a devoted, snow-white Great Dane named Shrek and his local non-pedigreed friend. The beauty with glasses lifted her light dress, revealing her hairy pussy. The dog Shrek, perfectly understanding the will of the owner, settled down from behind and drove a reddish bolt accurately into the vagina, wet from anticipation of fucking. Sighing heavily from the July steam room, the males, one after another, banged the zoophile in the ass, then in the pussy. And in gratitude for the juicy orgasm, Michelle gave the dogs a delicious blow job and swallowed sperm. Bourgeois zoo porn in the forest watch the full version of the film for free.

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23 Jun 2024
Dog porn